New board shape

For the past two weeks I've been working on a more flexible board system called General Board. As it has become mostly functional I could finally implement it in a real game and trully test its possibilities. 

So, I changed the board shape to heart. It's something I was planning to do for a long time. The shape fits perfectly the theme of the game. It also explores most of the features of General Board system

Any shape of the board

In older Rectangular Board you could only set board horizontal and vertical dimensions. As a rectangular shape is functional in most cases, sometimes shape flexibility is needed for a proper level design. General Board enables you to create any shape of the board using tiles. It also supports hexagonal (and isometric) tiles layouts, however it's something that's also supported in Rectangular Board

Different collapse directions

Rectangular Board can have one defined collapse direction for the whole board. And again, as it is enough for almost every situation, sometimes you want different directions for different sections of the board. That's where General Board becomes handy with allowing to set separate collapse directions for each tile

Jump tiles

In addition to direction-per-tile option there are also so called "jump tiles". Normal tile just moves pieces to  neighboring tile in their direction. Once they reach an empty place with no tile the pieces stop. But jump tiles behave differently. They move pieces to nearest tile in the direction, even if there are empty tiles in the way. That's how the top row of the heart-shaped board was implemented

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